Thursday, 18 October 2012

Packaging for your Etsy Business

 When it comes to packaging for your Etsy business, you really need to make a little investment to create that added value for your customers. Your products are one thing, but you'd be surprised how many customers appreciate really good packaging! It's important that your packaging is beautiful so it gives an air of luxury to your item, but it also needs to be practical so it protects your item in transit.
The "keep calm and have a bath" boxes above are from Bomb Cosmetics, they look beautiful and they also make a great way of storing the item in your home! Making your packaging useful to your customers even after it has served its primary purpose is a great idea!

Even if you need to have functional plan packaging on the outside like a gold padded envelope, you can still wrap your packaging up beautifully on the inside. This packaging is from Luna On The Moon. Wrapped up in black tissue paper and a black grosgrain ribbon, then adorned with her business cards and a free gift of a skull shaped lipgloss, Luna on the Moon is making sure people have that extra reason to shop with her again!

Do as Jainie Basil does as well! Make sure you add lots of beautiful business cards to your packaging so your customers always have a keepsake to remember to come back to your shop!

Remember to research how bigger companies use packaging to take inspiration for your own. The shoe boxes above are from Irregular Choice and Bordello shoes, they reflect their branding well and are instantly recognizable, so always keep that in mind!

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